Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Front Lines of Democracy.

So, I went to pick up my absentee ballot yesterday. This is what happened.

(Opening Shot: Elizabeth in her tiny New York City apartment, bags packed. She is filling out a form. Close up on the form "Application for a New York Absentee Ballot." She writes in her name, her address, and the reason she will not be able to vote in New York. She smiles, writes "volunteering for Obama in Media, PA, October 1 - November 5." She checks the last box "I want to pick up my ballot at the Board of Elections." She looks up at her Obama poster, sighs contentedly. A rainbow breaks out across the Brooklyn sky. But in the distance, thunder.)

(Next Shot: Elizabeth on the train, eating a muffin, and drinking a cup of coffee.)

(Next Shot: At the Board of Elections. The elevator doors open, Elizabeth walks out, into the office of the board of elections. A grimy, tattered city office. A torn sign on the wall reads "No Eating or Drinking. Finish Your Food and Drink Outside." She holds her coffee cup behind her back. She looks at all the pieces of paper on the front desk, and waits for someone to notice her. After a full two minutes, a man jumps up like a shot from his desk. He is in his sixties, with several ID tags around his neck.)

Man: Hello! Hello! Can I help you?

Elizabeth: Yes, please! I would like to get an absentee ballot, please.

Man: (after a moment) Really?

Elizabeth: Yes, please. Thank you.

Man: Ok then! Here you go! (He hands her a form).

Elizabeth: (shows him the form she's already filled out) Actually, I've already filled this one out. From the internet.

(He is stunned into silence. This has never happened before. He may cry.)

Man: Oh!

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Man: Wow.

Elizabeth: Yes, I'm a little ahead of the curve.

Man: Yes.

(long silence)

Elizabeth: Is that it?

Man: (stamps the form loudly, glances at it) That's it!

(they look at each other)

Elizabeth: Can I have my absentee ballot now?

Man: If you come here on the 20th or the 26th, you can vote right then!

Elizabeth: (pause) But I won't be here then.

Man: Right.

Elizabeth: Can I have it now?

Man: Anytime before the 26th.

Elizabeth: What about right now?

Man: What?

(A co-worker comes over. She is a very, very short Asian woman, of indeterminate age. She is only barely visible over the counter. She has no eyebrows, and her light green eye shadow extends well beyond where her eyebrows would be. She looks perpetually surprised.)

Woman: Hello!

Elizabeth: Hello.

Man: Can she have an absentee ballot?

Woman: (hands Elizabeth the form) Just fill this out.

Elizabeth: Actually, thank you, but I already did fill it out.

Woman: You're all set!

Elizabeth: Can I have the ballot, though?

Woman: Come in on the 26th.

Elizabeth: I won't be here.

Woman: You won't be here?

Elizabeth: No, I'll be away. That's why I need an absentee ballot. I leave tomorrow.

(Man and Woman scratch their heads. Look at each other, scratch their heads again. This is an impasse they have not prepared for. Then, an idea.)

Woman: We'll send it to you. To the address you wrote down here! Anywhere you are, no matter how far away, we'll send it to you, don't worry! Bye!

Elizabeth: But I didn't put an address down. I checked the box that said I would pick the ballot up.

(More head scratching.)

Woman: No matter where you are, we'll send it to you. At the address you wrote down.

Elizabeth: So I can't pick it up today?


Elizabeth: Should I write down the address where I'll be, so you can send it to me there?

Woman and Man: Ok, yes! Yes!

Elizabeth: (suspiciously, and with great hesitation) Ok.

(Elizabeth crosses out the box that says "I will pick up my ballot at the Board of Elections" and writes her parents address in the space that says "Please mail my ballot to me at the following address." The woman watches her.)

Woman: (offering her another form) You want this one?

Elizabeth: No, it's ok. This one's already been stamped.

Woman: Oh. Right.

(she takes the form, looks at it)

Elizabeth: So you'll send it to me? That's it then?

Woman: Where you going?

(She sees Media, PA. Her eyes grow wide.)

Woman: Oooooh. That's far away...

(The man and the woman walk away. Elizabeth falls to her knees, weeping.)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Holy Guacamole!

Oh my goodness!

Thanks for all the money, you guys!

Every day I come home to at least one envelope with some dollars from someone I don't even know. It's gone past being from friends of friends -- now I'm getting donations from friends of friends of friends. It's amazing!

I want to take some time to thank all of you personally, and write every one a thank you note like I was brought up to do, but I hope you will excuse me and let me thank you personally on November 5th. Or 6th. (Let's be honest).

Here's the news.

I leave for Pennsylvania in less than one week!

I'm definitely assigned to be the volunteer deputy field organizer for the office in Media, PA, which is the town next to where I grew up. I spoke to a few of the people who are in charge of the Obama campaign in PA, and they are awfully excited to have me, and I am awfully excited to go. They sound tired. They say things like "We're just going to keep working until we fall down."

Furthermore, I have been informed that Pennsylvania will be won or lost on two counties -- Delaware County (where I will be located) and Montgomery County. Whoever wins those counties wins Pennsylvania.

Lemme sum up: Obama can't win without Pennsylvania. Obama can't win Pennsylvania without winning Delaware County -- the county I will be working in. No pressure.

I'll post more specifics about things that I learn as I learn them. But for now, here's what I know for sure:

1. Register Voters in Swing States. Do what you can to help get as many people registered to vote as you can. If you live close to PA, and want to come and join me, I will always need and welcome your help, and it will be a good time.
2. Knock on doors. There's still a lot of work to do to persuade undecided voters (although how anyone can still be undecided remains a mystery to me). Knocking on doors is waaaaaay more effective at swaying voters than making phone calls. If you can, please join a canvass that knocks on doors, wherever you are. I know it feels wierd to go up to people's houses, but, seriously, having some personal interaction and letting people see how reasonable and logical you are is the best advertising that there is.
3. Get out the vote! If you can, please come to Pennsylvania or go to another swing state to get the vote out. It's going to be a massive ground operation to make sure that every single registered Democrat goes to the polls, and every single Republican and Independent who's indicated that they're voting for Obama goes to the polls too (in Delaware County, there are several HUNDRED THOUSAND of Republicans/Independents for Obama). Note: This means you have to register to vote absentee in your own state.

I have some specific requests to make of some of you -- people in New York, and people in Delaware County, in particular. So stay tuned.

And thank you!

Is Barack Obama a Muslim?


Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Want to Barack and Roll All Night.

Hello readers.

Sorry for the delay in posting here. I've been working extra hard to be able to swing this adventure, and also I was in a little bit of a bad way over the whole "Palin bump" thing for a while, so thought it best to lay low and not be hysterical out here in public on the interweb.

But thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the notes of support and dollar bills in the mailbox (real and virtual) -- I can't even believe it. I've almost collected enough money now. So, if you haven't given me a dollar, please, think about it.

Ok, but here's a good story.

So, the other day I was in the elevator at one of my jobs, and I was talking to a co-worker about what I'm doing, and how I'm going to Pennsylvania, and blah, blah, blah, and all excitable and passionate and stuff, and there was a lady in the elevator who just piped up and said, "I want to help you. How can I help you?" So, I took her email address, and mailed her the address of my blog, and boom! She put $25 in my PayPal account.

Thanks new elevator friend!

You guys -- talk about this stuff everywhere. You never know who's listening.

Thank you, also for getting the word out to your friends and family about this -- I've gotten lots of emails from people I don't know at all, asking how they can help. Don't stop! I want to build a little personal army of volunteers from New York and in and around Philadelphia to get this thing done.

I leave for PA in about a week. It looks like I'll probably be going to work in the field office in Media, which is the town next to where I grew up. I'll let you know for sure when I do, and will be posting more often once I'm actually in the field.

Until then, keep writing letters to the editor, give me a dollar, go register voters, and pass this blog address on to everyone you think might be interested.

Audley out.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Got Change for Change?

Listen up, party people.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the donations so far. I am, frankly, both shocked and honored when I come home every day to find envelopes from people I know, and people I don't know, that have a few crumpled dollar bills in them. So far, I have collected almost $250.


But, here's the thing. I want to remind you that what I am doing is totally volunteer. And I am happily working a second job so I can pay my rent and cell phone bill while I am gone. BUT I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR GAS!

Now. My car gets excellent mileage, and that is a fact. Like, 40 miles to the gallon. There is a lot of driving around and door to door canvassing to be done, and I think that the fact that I have my own car is one of the main reasons the Obama campaign wanted me so bad. (P.S. This is ok with me. Like the unpopular high school girl with a pool, once they get to know me a little, they will start to like me for ME. Man alive, do I have a crush on Obama.)

It costs $30 - $40 to fill up my car - by my calculations, I'm going to have to fill it up at LEAST twice a week, for 5 weeks. I think I'm going to spend between $400 - 500 on gas.

So, if you're following the math, one dollar will let me drive for about 10 miles. 10 miles! For just one dollar!

Now, many of you have given, and given generously, and I am so grateful and astonished. But some of you have not, and I know you have a dollar, because many (most) of you have bought me a drink at the bar in the past. So.

It has been brought to my attention that asking you to put a dollar in an envelope and put a stamp on it is asking you to pay 42 cents to give me a dollar, and that is ridiculous. So, I have made a PayPal account to make it easier, and free, for you.

Follow this link:


It will lead you to my PayPal account. You can use a credit card, a debit card, or your PayPal account.

Please, can I have a dollar? Or two? If you can find it in your heart to give me five, we just might win this thing.

Quick Update!

Hi everyone.

So, I had my "intake process" about my "deployment" for the Obama campaign today. I'm all set to go on October 1. I told them the 5 or 6 field offices that were closest to the place I'll be staying -- they're going to call around and find out who needs me most. I'm guessing I'll be working in Media or Chester.

Two things they told me, that I am passing on to you:

1. Voter Registration is the big deal in Pennsylvania right now. They are trying to register 50,000 new voters in Philadelphia alone before the registration deadline, which is October 6. They have lists of who is not registered to vote and they are calling and knocking on the doors of these people, but they need a lot more help! If you can take the bus down to Philadelphia for even ONE DAY between now and October 6th, they really, really, really need more people on the ground. Can you take one day off of work? For America? Sign up at ny.barackobama.com under "drive for change." (P.S. If this is true in PA, it is probably also true in other swing states as well. People with access to Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington, Colorado, Florida, take note!)

2. Please consider taking election day off, and going to Pennsylvania to get out the vote. They've got a massive operation planned for the day, and need all the bodies they can get. Note: This means you will have to vote absentee in New York, but on the upside, it means you can hang out with ME on election night, which will be epic.

Audley out.

Camp Obama pictures

Hey you guys.

Check out this link:


You can read a little description of what Camp Obama was like, and if you watch the slideshow, you will see four, count 'em FOUR pictures of me.

Granted, one is of my back, but it is very clearly MY back.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

FAQ: I want to help in Pennsylvania -- what can I do?


First, let me know who you are. I start working in PA on October 1, and I would love to put you to work, whether it's for a week, a weekend, a day, a few hours. I solemnly swear that I will put you to good use.

If you don't live in Pennsylvania.
That's ok. They really need your help there, and there are ways for you to get there and get involved. But be forewarned, right now, the campaign is primarily focused on finding and training people who can make a long commitment -- either for a few weeks, or for a few weekends in a row.

So, if you live in New York and are able to commit to several weekends in a row before election day, check out "Drive For Change" on ny.BarackObama.com. They'll set you up in your own field office, and you can do what I'm doing, but on the weekends.

If you want to do what I'm doing, then why the heck are you reading this blog? Apply to Camp Obama, right away! Now! Go! Get!

If you can't make that kind of commitment, there's still work to be done, but you might not hear back from the campaign very quickly -- see the separate post: "If the campaign needs volunteers so bad..."

After October 1, you can get in touch with me directly, and I will put you to work, give you a phone number, or otherwise point you in the right direction.

For now, make an account on my.barackobama.com (see separate post on that, too), to help you hook up with existing groups making trips down there. Or, if you are really itching to do something RIGHT NOW, you can organize your own trip. Print out a bunch of PA voter registration forms, take the bus to Philadelphia, and stand in front of a grocery store. You think I'm kidding? I'm not. That kind of action is how Obama won the primary in South Carolina. Don't wait for the campaign to tell you it's ok. Have an idea? Do it.

If you live in Pennsylvania
If you are interested in working with me, let me know. I will put you to good use. If you have any friends who are even a little interested in volunteering, send them my way. Tell them I am very fun and nice, and that I often give out very special prizes to my volunteers. Also, there will be scheduled breaks to "dance it off" at my office. Put the word out, yo.

Like I said before, print out a bunch of voter registration forms, and stand in front of the grocery store, the library, the bank, the post office, the YMCA, where ever you can. I'm seriously not kidding about this.

Can you host a volunteer from out of state? Do you have a spare room? Do you know anybody who does? Get in touch with your local field office (via pa.barackobama.com) and tell them you can offer "supporter housing." They'll know what you're talking about.

If you live in PA, and can afford it, here's a really, really nice thing to do: Find out where your local field office is, and call up the pizza place (or sandwich shop, or whoever else delivers), pull out your credit card, and send those tireless volunteers some foods. They're working really, really hard. For nothing.

If you live in Pennsylvania, and want to help but you can't give any more money and don't have any time, here's what you can do:

- Write letters to the editor of local papers. This is free advertising, and this kind of word of mouth is what got the Obama campaign moving in the first place.
- Carry voter registration forms with you wherever you go. Be vigilant about asking everyone you meet, and everyone that you are standing in line with, or on the bus with, or at the movies with, if they are registered to vote. Register them. Mail it for them, too.
- Drop off food and snacks to your local campaign office. A couple sodas. A bag of apples. A case of water. A box of doughnuts. A pound of coffee. Chex Mix. Whatever you've got, or can get. The volunteers will thank you for it, and the campaign can spend their precious dollars on advertising, not pizza.
- Tell everyone you know that the Obama campaign really, really needs more volunteers, and urge them to get in touch with their local office, via pa.barackobama.com. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this kind of word of mouth, grassroots communication. It really works better than anything else.
- Check out the separate post on the "Neighbor to Neighbor" tool on BarackObama.com
- Send this blog address to all the people you know.

FAQ: What's my.barackobama.com, and why should I make an account there?

The Obama campaign has precious little paid staff, and the field offices are concentrated in swing states. Because of this, they are using the internet not just as a supplementary means to traditional campaigning, but as the campaign's primary organizing tool -- for communications, for fundraising, for everything.

So, the most up-to-date and complete information you're going to get is going to be from the website. It is also a way to continue and extend the grassroots nature of the campaign, which has been so incredibly successful, so far.

My.BarackObama.Com is a way into your own personal network of fellow Obama supporters. It was created by the same guy who made Facebook. Love it or hate it, it works.

There are a million things you can do with that network, if you create an account, but here are some of the most important:

1. Look for events in your neighborhood. There might be a phone bank, a trip to a swing state to register voters, a fundraiser, a debate watching party at a bar that you can hook up with. In this way, it's like a library bulletin board. Need a ride to Pennsylvania? You can find one.

2. Write letters to the editors of newspapers in swing states. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This is free advertising, which the campaign desperately needs. They also really need to get the opinions of "regular folks" out there. My.BarackObama.com has a list of newspapers, their contact information, and even templates if you need.

3. "Neighbor to Neighbor." This is an online organizing tool that takes it a step further than talking with your friends, co-workers and family -- who, if they are like mine, are tired of hearing you talk. See the separate post for more information on this awesome awesome thing.

And there's much, much more you can do, if you are so inclined. So make an account. Take a look around. It can't hurt.

FAQ: What's "Neighbor to Neighbor" and why does it rock so hard?

There's an online community organizing tool at barackobama.com that's new, and kind of brilliant and amazing, and if you have no money and no ability to travel anywhere, you can still make a really big difference by using it.

It's called "Neighbor to Neighbor" and there's more information about it here:


Essentially, it's a database of voters that you can access via the Obama website. You create an account, plug in your address and zip code, and it gives you a list of 25 people and their phone numbers/addresses. It also gives you a script to follow, and the means to report back to the campaign. Sometimes you might be calling undecided voters and telling them why it's important to vote this year or why you're voting for Obama, or sometimes you might be calling other Obama supporters to let them know that the campaign needs volunteers.

I know what you're thinking -- you hate telemarketers, and you don't want to be one. It feels a weird to call people you don't know, and it's creepy that you can even get their phone number off the Obama website. You don't want to be one of those annoying assholes.

I know, I know, I know. Really, I know. And I'm not saying that you won't get hung up on or yelled at, but you also might get someone who maybe wants to volunteer, but needs a little instruction and encouragement. Or you might get someone who is leaning towards Obama, but just doesn't know if it matters whether or not they vote. Or you might get someone who doesn't know if they're registered or not, and you could clear that right up by sending them to voteforchange.org to check on their registration status.

And it's public information, what's in that database. Anyone could get it if they wanted it - the voter registration records are public information. The Republicans have been using them nefariously for years (sending letters to people, telling them that they are "ineligible" to vote, when they are nothing of the sort). The Obama campaign is using it for good.

And by the way, isn't it amazing that the Obama campaign trusts its supporters to speak for it, without any kind of structure or supervision? They trust us to do a good job, represent the candidate well, and to be accountable. It says a lot about the nature of the campaign, and the candidate.

It also tells me that they are really smart about using their money wisely -- instead of renting space, buying phones, and having all that overhead in order to make a phone bank, they just let people do it from their own homes, and their own cell phones, and save campaign money for TV advertising.

And if you're worried about annoying someone, well, don't be annoying. Don't call during dinner. Don't be a pushy jerk on the phone. Be polite and respectful (the people you will be calling will be inclined towards Obama anyway -- odds are, they care as much as you do) and treat people the way you would want to be treated.

And, it's obvious, and I hate to say it, but what's worse: feeling awkward on the phone, or McCain/Palin winning the election?

And let me leave you with this: this campaign was built by people taking initiative, and doing things on their own, spreading the word to their neighbors, their friends, and anyone who would listen. If you are like me, you have already talked to everyone you know, and have hit the wall of your own social network bubble. This is a genius way for us to keep spreading the word, picking up more votes, more support, more volunteers.

Be brave. Pick up the phone. Knock on a door.

Better yet, get a group of friends and do it together -- make a little party out of it.

You'll feel better than you do watching the news and wringing your hands, I promise.

FAQ: I live in New York. What can I do?

Ok, there are a bunch of things you can do.

So you know, the Obama campaign is actually depending on New York, and New York City in particular, to win Pennsylvania. It's not a "Hey, neighbor, can you give us a hand?" thing. It's a critical part of the strategy. That's why they're sending me to Pennsylvania.

First thing, make an account on my.barackobama.com

I know, I know. It's annoying to be told to go to the website -- but this is no ordinary website, my friends. It's an all-in-one, social networking, community bulletin board, information center.

You can poke around there as much as you want, but take special note of these things:

1. Events: you can plug in your zip code, and it will tell you all the already formed groups in your neighborhood that you can join -- people carpooling to PA for the weekend to register voters, people setting up impromptu phone banks to call undecided NH voters, all of it. Check out what's happening that you can hook up with.

2. "Drive for Change" - this is for people able to spend several weekends in a row in PA, from now until election day.

3. "Neighbor to Neighbor" - I made a whole separate post about this. Check it out.

4. Write letters to the editor of papers in swing states: the website gives you the contact information, and a template for a letter to the editor, if you need one. Think on this: Thousands of assholes get their opinions printed in papers across the country every day. Why couldn't your thoughts be printed, and sway public opinion? They can! They should be! It's free advertising for the campaign and spreads support via word of mouth which is the most effective form of advertising that there is!

5. Get the word out to your friends, family and others all over the country that the Obama campaign can only win by increasing the volunteer, word of mouth, grassroots force that's already in place. There are not enough volunteers to do what needs to be done, to get the votes that need to be gotten. Not yet. Ask them to please volunteer, and to ask their friends to volunteer.

FAQ: I want to help out in a swing state, but it's not Pennsylvania.

If you live in, or close to a swing state other than PA, or you know people who do, and you want to travel there and help out, look at the post about helping in PA.

Most of those things will still apply to you (except the parts about working with me -- sorry, Charlie.)

FAQ: If the campaign needs volunteers so bad, why won't they get in touch with me? I just want to talk to a person.

I hear you.

It took me 2 weeks from the time I applied to Camp Obama to hear back from them - and I was offering to work full time, for free, in a swing state -- and didn't even need housing.

The first part of the answer is this: I know it seems like the Obama campaign is rolling in money because they do such an awesome job at fundraising, but the truth is, they don't have much money at all. They have hardly any paid staff and very few actual offices. They spend the money they do have very strategically on advertising in swing states.

Seriously -- most of the NY campaign staff only very recently started getting paid. Everyone uses their own cell phone, and they primarily use the internet to communicate, post information, and connect people. The website IS the central HQ. In most cases, there is no physical office and no dedicated phone number, which is why you can't find one on the website.

The other part of the answer is this: In 2000 and 2004, the Democratic campaign offices were flooded with volunteers the week before election day, and they weren't ready for it. It was a mess. No one's time was used well, and all the energy was spent on last minute organizing of volunteers, instead of on effectively getting out the vote. We know how that turned out.

So, this time, the campaign is focused first on finding and training people who can make a long commitment of 5 weeks or more. The New York office has been charged with finding and training 750 - 1,000 people, (from New York City alone, mind you) who can go to Pennsylvania for 5 weeks or more. After that, they need people who can commit to every weekend. After that, they need people who can go for just the two weeks before election day.

Those are their priorities -- they need to build up and reinforce the volunteer structure now, so when they are inundated with more and more volunteers as election day gets closer, there will be a system for them to plug into. Smart, right? I think so.

So, if you are someone who can give a little bit of time here and there, don't be frustrated that you're not hearing back -- you'll hear back. In the meantime, they have loaded up the website with things that you can do while you're waiting to hear.

1. Write letters to the editors of local papers in swing states.
2. Tell all your friends that the Obama campaign really, really, really needs volunteers who can make a long commitment.
3. Tell all your friends that I, Elizabeth, am recruiting volunteers for when I go to Pennsylvania, on Oct. 1. They can get in touch with me directly and I will either make use of them myself, or give them someone else's phone number.
4. Read the FAQ posts on my.barackobama.com and "Neighbor to Neighbor."

FAQ: I don't live in a swing state, or in New York. What can I do?

If you live in a state that is not going to swing (it's either solidly Republican or solidly Democrat), you can still help. Look at the "I live in New York" post for ideas. All the suggestions on there apply to you -- except the driving to Pennsylvania part.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reckless Caring

Listen up people.

First, let me tell you how grateful and delighted I am for your support. For serious. I've had such a tremendous response from people I know, and people I don't know, and I feel so honored and proud to be a part of a larger community of Americans who care, passionately, about their neighbors, their country and the future.

To be honest, I was not always in support of Barack Obama. Let me be clear. He gave a really remarkable speech at the 2004 convention, which moved me to tears, and I wished, desperately, that he would be president of the universe. But after the 2004 election, I felt so disillusioned, and so isolated, and so helpless that I gave up on anything good ever happening in the world again. I felt like I did not belong in this country -- most Americans were not like me. The values that I held dearest -- chief among them being that you should help people who need helping -- were not shared by most other people in my country. It made me depressed, cynical, and hard.

And what happened is, people said "I wish Barack Obama would run" and I said "I really hope he doesn't. Because he'd never win. And if he runs for President this early in his national career, everyone will tear him apart, and then he'll be ruined forever, and we'll have lost someone who might have been really great."

But what happened was, more and more people kept telling me that they wished this guy would run. And then he announced that he was running. And I was REALLY conflicted, because while he was EXACTLY the kind of person who I wished could be president, I knew that most Americans would never support him. He was too thoughtful, too optimistic, too real. Also, black with a weird name. It wouldn't play. He was a fringe candidate.

And then I took a long trip around the country, and I got to know America a little better. And it's a beautiful, amazing place, you guys. And I have much more to say on that subject, believe you me. But the really transformative part of the experience was the people that I met. I was deeply surprised to find out that most Americans were kind, thoughtful, curious, and generous. I realized that my idea of who Americans were was wrong. I didn't feel like I was so separate, or so different anymore. I fell head over heels in love with America, and whoever came up with this impossibly optimistic system of government, that puts the power in the hands of its citizens.

And I also realized that adopting pessimism and cynicism was a way for me to avoid being disappointed. I realized that adopting optimism and idealism is the bravest choice you can make, and one that you can't make just once. You have to make it every single day, in the face of overwhelming obstacles.

And then more and more people started coming out as closet optimists. More and more people were not afraid to say that they wanted something, that they believed in something, and that they cared. People called them naive and all sorts of other things, but they kept picking up steam and attracting more and more people who weren't afraid to take a risk. It was stunning.

And I realized that saying that you care about the country is like saying that you love someone, when you don't know if they love you back. You might be totally destroyed -- but at some point the feeling is so big that you can't stop yourself, so damn the torpedoes.

I watched America's heart softening, and softening, until it couldn't resist anymore.

And that's what won me over. So many people caring with such abandon. So many people were putting themselves out there, knowing it was such a long shot, risking ridicule and disappointment. Caring -- recklessly.

And it occurred to me that the country was founded by a similarly crazy, idealistic, passionate group of people. People who cared enough to take matters back into their own hands when they wanted something else.

Obama, for whatever reason, has the ability to make people care again. Wherever he came from and whatever his job qualifications are don't matter to me, because he has the spooky, magic, crazy kind of charisma that will wake people up and inspire them to get together and do something that seems impossible.

And that, my friends, is how the world gets changed. It doesn't get changed by the guy in the top job, or even by the whole government. It gets changed because the citizens start to do it themselves, without waiting for permission or approval. And that was happening. It was a revolution.

And it's partly because I was a little late to the party that I feel like I have to make up for lost time and do so much more now.

"Well, Elizabeth, did you try your best?" is the question that always haunts me, no matter what I'm working on. Until now, I was not trying my best for America, because I was afraid of trying and failing.

Thankfully, I very recently realized that if I try my very best, and we still don't win, it won't feel nearly as bad as it would if I never tried at all. And if he won without my being involved, I would be happy, but also sad, because I wasn't a part of it, and I could have been if I hadn't been so scared of failing.

Also, see, when he wins, and I feel like I might have had a little, tiny part in it, it's going to be fucking amazing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't Lose (You're Cool).

(editors note: I wrote this a little while back, before Camp Obama, when someone asked me how to keep it together if someone said it wouldn't be that bad if John McCain won the election. All this "I Hate Sarah Palin" and "Why Is Everyone So Stupid?" talk going around has me feeling real bad, so I thought I would re-visit my own piece of advice and try to follow it, this time.)

There’s been a lot of talk about “ending partisan rancor” and “reaching across the aisle,” but I have to admit, I don’t know how that can possibly happen, since I, and everyone I know, can barely have a civil conversation with an undecided voter without jumping down their throat. We’re exhausted, wrung out, keyed up, edgy and defensive. All the time. All we want to do is help, but we might actually care too much to be effective volunteers.

So I worry. I worry that even if the politicians do their best to make it a race about policy and issues, we’ll all be at each other’s throats for the next two months anyway. I worry that after November 4th, bitterness and disappointment on the losing side (whoever they are) will prevent us from working together, and we’ll be just as stuck and divided as we were before. I worry that while we’ve seen how change comes from the bottom up and not the top down, we’re not brave, strong or sure enough to take it any further, and first do ourselves what we want our candidates to do – to put aside our differences and concentrate on what unites us, so we can move forward.

Do we have the courage to walk our talk, and reach across the aisle in our own lives? We want to change the government, America, the world – but that means we have to change ourselves, too.

Do we really mean it?

I think that we do. I hope that we do. But it’s very hard to stay calm and open-minded when someone - friend, co-worker, loved one or potential voter - either doesn’t agree with your most closely held beliefs, or simply doesn’t care.

Here are some strategies to make the next two months productive, and not destructive. Let’s not wait – let’s start now.

10 Practical Tips for Not Losing Your Shit When Faced with Republicans, the Undecided and/or Apathetic.

First of all, let us agree that losing your shit is a bad thing. Letting anger and fear drive you makes it nearly impossible to focus on any task clearly and completely. Moreover, you will probably undermine any efforts you are making, because you will seem like a crazy person. Also, freaking out on someone who disagrees with you will cause you a lot of unnecessary emotional distress – which does you (and your cause) no good at all in the long or the short term.
Second, let’s agree that the best way to convince someone that your point of view is at least reasonable, if not correct, is to consistently BE reasonable -- not angry, weepy, shrill, desperate, or anything other than intelligent, balanced, open minded, articulate and trustworthy. Let us strive to cultivate and maintain these qualities.

If you encounter someone who has the potential to make you hysterical:

1. Breathe. Take long, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth without making any weird faces or obvious breathing noises. (If they notice you are trying to control yourself, you’ve already lost your advantage here). Use a mirror – determine the smallest amount your mouth needs to be open in order for you to exhale out of it. You don’t want to look like a slack-jawed mouth breather. Practice until you can easily switch to this kind of breathing without anyone noticing. Keep your face relaxed, and breathe deeply into your belly, not your chest.

2. Be a compassionate warrior. (Read some Pema Chodron for more on this). Send the person you are talking to as much love as you can muster when you are talking to them. Say it in your mind "I wish you love, happiness and joy." If this proves difficult, imagine that they are a beloved elderly friend or relative. Pick someone who you would never want to upset or yell at, someone who you respect, and someone who you will be your very best self around.

3. Listen. Be present. Try not to think about what you are going to say in response before someone has finished speaking – can’t you always tell when someone is doing that? Yeah, they can too. Don't assume you know the end of the sentence or phrase -- it might surprise you. Listen respectfully. Don't ever cut someone off. Don't nod and verbalize too much ("uh-huh" "sure" "I understand.") When you're responding like this, you're not listening anymore. Put all of your attention on the listening. Look at their faces, look at their body language. Avoid knee-jerk reactions or give-away facial expressions by breathing deeply and steadily throughout. Keep your forehead, mouth and hands relaxed and make sure your jaw isn’t clenched.

4. Use "I" statements. Breathe first, then talk about your experience. "The reason that I like Barack Obama is…" or "I’m frustrated because… “ "I'm worried that…" However, as you do this, it's very important not to seem like you are dismissing or glossing over what someone has just said. Be respectful – assume that the person you’re talking to is as intelligent as you. Accept that they think whatever they think for a really good reason, not because they are stupid or ignorant or just haven’t heard your brilliant opinion yet.

5. Try not to use "you" statements – especially things like “But don't you think…" or "Can't you see…" or "Don't you realize…" Nobody likes being told what they think, or should think. Ever. Instead, offer up your own experience. "I started to get interested in Obama because…" or "I’m happy that my parents, neither of whom had much confidence in Obama even a few months ago, are really impressed with his judgment and economic plans, and are now going to vote for him."

6. Use facts, not feelings, to make arguments. So, have a lot of facts at your disposal. Read a lot of different news sources – liberal and conservative – so no one can accuse you of being biased or uninformed. Have information about policy and issues at your disposal, as well as what the latest smears are – on both sides - so you can easily and gracefully dismiss them as simply incorrect.

7. See what you can agree on. Isn’t it great that there’s an African-American on one ticket, and a woman on the other? Either way, there’s going to be some one who's not a white guy in the executive branch for the first time ever! Isn’t it great that both parties see that Washington is broken? If they both are trying so hard to prove that they’re the better reformer, it’ll definitely have to get fixed, whoever is elected! Sure, it’s a little Pollyanna, but it’s amazing what a little bridge can lead to.

8. Don't be an asshole. Don't attack people’s beliefs. Don’t set out to prove anyone wrong. Don’t ask questions that you already know the answers to, in order to trick or trap people. That’s not going to get them on your side, it’s just going to make them mad or hurt their pride. No one is interested in listening to a person who is aggressive or argumentative or clearly has an agenda. People can smell that kind of desperation. So let them come to you. Play hard to get. Be cool, man – you know, like Obama. Offer your own perspective as clearly and as persuasively, and as personally as you can. You're never going to argue someone into changing their mind, but you can seem to be a person who is balanced, respectful, intelligent and thoughtful who has come to this particular conclusion. Usually, if you give people space, they'll see your point of view, and if you have composure and confidence, they might actually admire you. Which might not make them change their mind in this moment, but might give them that much more respect for you, and what you stand for. Over time, this might result in their changing their mind, or might just make the world a better, more respectful place. Either way is good.

9. Know when to let it go. If someone is fighting just to fight, or doesn't want to listen to you, or is really stubborn and hateful, back off. Don't get mad. Breathe, silently wish them love and happiness (and mean it), smile (for real), imagine that they are your beloved elderly relative, and say something like "I guess we have really different perspectives on these things." Let it go. Use that energy to register new voters.

10. Finally, when all else fails, follow this advice that my grandfather gave my father. “Whenever I don’t know what to do, I think, ‘Now, what would a smart person do?’”

Business Time.

Hey you guys.

Thanks for all the love and support. Now, go register some voters.

I thought that by doing this I would get less anxious about the campaign. Not true. I can't sleep a wink, I'm so worried. News in the New York Times today about the fundraising concerns of the Obama campaign is not good news, because even before the convention, the RNC had a lot more cash on hand than the DNC. Like, ten times as much. They are going to spend it all on negative advertising. If you can, give Obama some money today. But there's other ways to make up the gap.

Fact: Republicans have more money than Democrats. Republicans traditionally win on the air.
Fact: Democrats have more volunteers than Republicans. Democrats traditionally win in the field, person to person.

Therefore, while the fundraising issue is a scary one, what's scarier is that the Republicans are closing the "enthusiasm gap." It used to be that, like, 80% of Obama supporters were REALLY EXCITED about Obama, and like, only 35% of McCain supporters were REALLY EXCITED about McCain. Now McCain is catching up, big time.

If the McCain campaign has more money, and just as many excited and passionate volunteers....oh crap.

The Obama campaign knows that the Republicans can outspend them. So they have been counting on the enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers to make up that gap. They need New York City to go to Pennsylvania, register voters, talk to undecideds, get information out there, and get out the vote. Seriously -- that's the strategy to win Pennsylvania. Illinois? You are in charge of Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. California? You are in charge of Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada. That's how it works.

The Obama campaign has the largest grass roots field operation in history.

But there are not enough volunteers. There are not enough! Not enough!

One of the things I learned at Camp Obama is how much of a numbers game this all is, and we don't have the numbers, yet. If you possibly can, see if you can get to a battleground state to volunteer. If you can't do a long stint, like me, see if you can commit to a couple of weekends in a row. Just go. Go now, while we can still register voters.

If you can't travel, find a phone bank in your area where you can get on the phone with undecided voters in those states.

And please, encourage everyone you know in those battleground states to do everything they can - now. We don't need a huge influx of volunteers right before election day. We need them now -- learning the territory, registering new voters, making contact with undecided voters, and recruiting more volunteers on the ground.

The other thing that you can do, right now, if you want to, is to write a letter to the editor. Of any paper. But especially papers in battleground states. Ladies, fight the 12 point increase that John McCain has made with women by picking Sarah Palin. Write down your thoughts and opinions, and send them to papers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina.

For information on which papers to write to, and how to get involved in Pennsylvania and other battleground states, make an account on my.barackobama.com

I have to admit, until this week, I have had very little truck with the Obama website. It was a little too overwhelming, and seemed like another social networking thing, which I felt weird about. But if you go there looking for something in particular ('I want to go to Pennsylvania this weekend." "I want to find a phone bank calling undecided voters in New Hampshire." Etc. Etc.) you can find it under the "events" tab.

You can also find templates for letters to the editor and the contact information for the major papers in battleground states.

More soon. Don't give up. Fight harder.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Big News.

Hi everyone.

Never in a million years did I think I would start a blog. But here I am. You'll find out why I'm doing this if you keep reading.

A few weeks ago, I had another one of those moments where it became very, very obvious what I should do with my life next, because my immediate, visceral response to the idea was "you can't do that -- it's crazy and irresponsible, and probably impossible." If I know one thing, I know that when I respond to something that strongly, it's generally a sign that I really should do it.

Lemme 'splain.

I got an email from the Obama Campaign, as many of you probably did, asking me to apply to "Camp Obama." There, they would train me to be a deputy field organizer so I could take a more active leadership role in the campaign. This was the pitch:

"Individuals selected for Camp Obama will receive special training in the tactics and tools of field organizing. These intrepid individuals will be sent to important swing states in the upcoming weeks as Deputy Field Organizers to help the official Field Offices reach out to communities and organize phonebanks and canvasses."

Man oh man, am I a sucker for the word "intrepid."

But, I looked at the application, and thought I probably didn't have enough experience to apply.

So I let it go.

But I didn't trash the e-mail.

A week later, I realized I was still thinking about it. I looked at the application again. Two of questions were "Can you commit 5 or more weeks to work in a battleground state?" Yes. "Do you have a car?" Yes.

(Many of you may remember that this is not the first time that a car and a flexible work schedule made a life-changing adventure possible.)

And you know, I was just feeling so anxious, all the time. And this was even before the Republican Convention, which actually made me break out in hives. I felt so helpless, so worried, and like there was so much on the line, but what could I do except listen to NPR and wring my hands? I thought about it, and thought about it, and decided to apply to Camp Obama -- just to see if maybe I would get in.

And I wrote the application, and it occurred to me that maybe I was an ok applicant, after all. I went to a prestigious, progressive college. I have management and organizing skills. I'm comfortable speaking in front of a group. I've worked on a few campaigns. I'm knowledgeable about the campaign and passionate about the issues. Oh, and right, I sometimes work as a fundraising consultant. Maybe they might be interested in me. But probably, there was a list a mile long of people who wanted to do this.

So, about a week later, I got a call, and I had an interview, and long story short, they asked me to come that very weekend to do the training. And I said "OK."

So, this weekend, I went to Camp Obama and became an offical deputy field organizer. I'll write more about Camp Obama later. I have some things to tell you about that, believe you me.

In the meantime, I want to tell you, officially, that I have joined the movement. There's no turning back now, people. I'm putting it all on hold to work for Barack Obama full time, starting October 1st. They will probably place me somewhere in Pennsylvania. This is all 100% volunteer -- they don't house me, pay me, or re-imburse my expenses. It's all on my own dime.

I haven't felt so focused in a long time.

I'm planning on keeping this blog to share information and stories about the adventure. I've never done this kind of thing before, but the response to the road trip missives was so positive, I thought I'd try something a little more structured this time. I hope you'll let me know what you think.

Oh, it's on, people.

Yes. Yes we can.