A lot of people have been asking about the speech -- details are forthcoming, I promise.
For now, I'm busy, busy, busy getting ready for Get Out the Vote (GOTV) weekend, where everything gets bigger and faster and crazier. Also, it's when weird things start happening.
Like, for example, today, one of our staging locations (the place where we tell volunteers to meet, and where we set up little makeshift offices, phone banks, and canvassing centers for the 4 days before the election) was shut down. For "code violation."
Ok, so. This staging location was all fine and set to go up until now -- it had been an office before, and it was being used as an office now, everything was set with the landlord, everyone was fine.
Except, oh, wait, the precinct that the office was in is super Republican. Like, mean, angry Republican land. So, you know, obviously, "code violation."
The dirty tricks begin. In the past, Obama organizers have come to their offices to find the locks superglued shut, or to find all of their cars blocked in by other cars on election day. Windows broken, eggs thrown, things stolen/vandalized.
Add Halloween to the mix, and I'll be surprised to find the building intact tomorrow morning.
It's going to be crazy, and we're going to have to think on our feet and adapt quickly, but I'm excited and confident, even though I have absolutely no idea what to expect.
Thanks to all of you who are coming down to PA. So many people responded to my call to action/shaming diatribe! Those of you who are not coming down to PA -- well, we can still be friends.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Barack Star
Hey you guys.
So, I bet you thought this blog was going to be all “listen to this funny yet moving story with cool insider information from the campaign office,” huh.
Like, you probably thought it was going to be all West Wing-y, with a pinch of The Office thrown in.
And you’ve returned again and again, only to find that I'm still just harassing you in eight different ways to come and volunteer for the campaign.
Lamest. Blog. Ever.
So, I feel I owe you an explanation. And there’s a special surprise at the end of the post.
1. We actually really need the volunteers. So please come.
2. I found out shortly after I got here that I’m not actually allowed to blog about the campaign. You know, loose lips and all that.
So, sorry about that. I do have a lot of funny and awesome stories, but I can’t really share them until after election day.
But here’s something I can tell you right now.
Barack Obama is coming to Delaware County on Tuesday!
He’s coming to Chester, PA and speaking at 10am. We’re expecting about 20,000 people to show up. At least.
But here’s the really exciting thing.
I’m going to give a speech at the rally.
Hold on. Let me say that again. Just in case you didn’t totally understand it. Because I didn’t really understand what they were telling me at first either.
So, the speech that I’m going to give is a volunteer recruitment pitch – the same damn pitch I’ve been giving all of you, but to a group of 20,000 people.
I’m very excited, but I have no idea what to expect. I’ve spoken before big groups before, but not this big.
Also, I’ve never made a speech that is this important. Like, if it works, and we get everyone to volunteer to help get out the vote, we’ll win the election. And if it doesn’t work, and we don’t get enough volunteers, we might lose. You know, no pressure.
Also, did I mention that Barack Obama will be there?
So, wish me luck, you guys. And think of me on Tuesday morning. I may not sleep until then.
So, I bet you thought this blog was going to be all “listen to this funny yet moving story with cool insider information from the campaign office,” huh.
Like, you probably thought it was going to be all West Wing-y, with a pinch of The Office thrown in.
And you’ve returned again and again, only to find that I'm still just harassing you in eight different ways to come and volunteer for the campaign.
Lamest. Blog. Ever.
So, I feel I owe you an explanation. And there’s a special surprise at the end of the post.
1. We actually really need the volunteers. So please come.
2. I found out shortly after I got here that I’m not actually allowed to blog about the campaign. You know, loose lips and all that.
So, sorry about that. I do have a lot of funny and awesome stories, but I can’t really share them until after election day.
But here’s something I can tell you right now.
Barack Obama is coming to Delaware County on Tuesday!
He’s coming to Chester, PA and speaking at 10am. We’re expecting about 20,000 people to show up. At least.
But here’s the really exciting thing.
I’m going to give a speech at the rally.
Hold on. Let me say that again. Just in case you didn’t totally understand it. Because I didn’t really understand what they were telling me at first either.
So, the speech that I’m going to give is a volunteer recruitment pitch – the same damn pitch I’ve been giving all of you, but to a group of 20,000 people.
I’m very excited, but I have no idea what to expect. I’ve spoken before big groups before, but not this big.
Also, I’ve never made a speech that is this important. Like, if it works, and we get everyone to volunteer to help get out the vote, we’ll win the election. And if it doesn’t work, and we don’t get enough volunteers, we might lose. You know, no pressure.
Also, did I mention that Barack Obama will be there?
So, wish me luck, you guys. And think of me on Tuesday morning. I may not sleep until then.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stuck Between Barack and a Hard Place
Well, this is it. The last plea I'll make. It's going to be a hard sell, so hold on to your hats.
I (along with the rest of the PA campaign staff) was on a conference call with Barack Obama last week, and he told us that we who work on this campaign "will stand among the giants of history."
He also said, "Don't screw this up."
McCain's new strategy is to steal Pennsylvania. It's the only state that is currently blue that he's actively and aggressively trying to flip. You win Pennsylvania by winning the Philadelphia suburbs. The Philadelphia suburbs are Delaware and Montgomery Counties, which, by the way, are particularly susceptible to wedge politics and scare/smear tactics. McCain phone calls are currently out numbering Obama phone calls in this county. He's pulled his resources out of Wisconsin and Maine, and sent them to Delaware County. He's pulling out of Colorado, Iowa and New Mexico. Guess where that money's going? Guess where that staff is going? The only way to fight it is in the field, which means volunteers like you and me working our butts off to talk to as many people as possible on the phone and at their doors, from morning till night.
It's quite possible that McCain will be able to steal Pennsylvania. I know that the polls say Obama is ahead here, but on the ground, it's tightening up, and in this county, we're neck and neck, or even a little behind.
Our man is off the campaign trail now for a few days, and is probably not going to make it back to PA. So, it's up to us to defend the fort. There is a little intrepid band of staff and volunteers who are trying their darndest to fight back against the attacks, but we're just not going to be able to do it with the amount people we've got now, no matter how hard we work.
There are two things that we're battling. First, all the money and resources that McCain is throwing here (look up how many times he and Sarah Palin have visited the state in the last two weeks and you'll see why we're sounding the alarm), which mostly manifest in dirty, smear-y, awful ads, mailers and robo-calls. The second is fatigue and complacency among Obama voters and volunteers. Lots of people think it's in the bag. They think it doesn't matter if they volunteer -- or vote -- enough other people will pick up the slack and make it happen.
I'm here to tell you the truth -- no one is picking up the slack. No one is coming out in great numbers, because everyone thinks someone else is doing it.
Last, but not least, there are several neighborhoods in Delaware County that are targets for voter suppression and intimidation. People are actively trying to prevent people from voting in all sorts of ways -- by moving the polling place from the student center on the college campus to an off campus location that can only be reached by car. Or telling people that they need a driver's license to vote. Or telling people that if they have any parking tickets, they'll be arrested when they come to the polls. Or telling people that if they are registered Republicans, they cannot vote for a Democrat. It's up to us to correct these things, and make sure that all the people we've worked so hard to register, and who really want to vote for Barack, actually can and do.
We can win if we get everyone to the polls. We will lose if we don't. We need more people to help than we have now. That's it. The Republicans are GREAT at making sure their voters get to the polls. The Democrats, historically, are not so good. We have a great plan for how to do it. But it requires more people than we have right now.
Here’s a horror story for you. Someone I work with here in PA was working on the primary in New Hampshire. Leading up to primary day, all of his volunteers were sure that someone else would show up, and that victory was certain. On primary day, at one of his precincts, NO VOLUNTEERS SHOWED UP. None. Zero. Everyone thought someone else would be there – that it wasn’t that important. And Obama lost that precinct by seven votes. Seven! And he lost the primary in that state.
So, come here. Don't delay. Tell everyone you know. We cannot have come this far to fall short now. And you know what? It's in your hands. So don't let it happen.
If you want to come here, I can help you make it happen. I can find a way for you to get here, and a place for you to stay, and we will give you food to eat. I'll be honest -- it's easiest to come here with a car. But, there are Zip cars to be rented in Philadelphia, and it's cheaper to rent them here than in New York. Come with a group, and rent a car together. Or, come by bus and rent a car in Philly, where it's cheaper. If a car is impossible, come here by bus anyway. Or catch a ride with any of the NY for Obama groups that organize carpools every day. (http://www.nyobama.com/events/nyc/)
We can house you with a volunteer, or I can point you towards a number of hotels that are offering discounts to the Democratic Campaign. Or, you can just come for the day.
If you support this candidate, and you want him to win, you need to do more than vote. You need to volunteer. Or it's not going to happen. It's time for you to think real hard, and ask yourself if there's anything that you can do that you're not doing. If the answer is yes, I can make it so that you do not wake up on November 5th and want to punch yourself in the face, again, and again, and again.
There's only about 10 days left before an election that could actually change the world. I need your help.
Here's the deal. I promise, if you come here, you never have to come and see me in a crappy play ever again. You can beg off, no questions asked. Also, you are excused from any and all birthday parties that I throw for myself, and you are exempt from helping me move. If you come here and volunteer for the weekend, you can claim an "Obama Pass" on all of these things. Forever.
Please help.
215. 834.7959
P.S. Ultimately, I don't care if you come to Delaware County, specifically. If it's easier for you to get to Philadelphia and turn out the vote there, do it. If it's easier for you to go to another swing state, like Virginia, or North Carolina, or Missouri, or Nevada, or Ohio, do it. But, for the love of God, please, please, I'm begging you on my knees, do not stay home. Get out there, and get people to the polls. It's not hyperbole to say that we will lose if you don't.
I (along with the rest of the PA campaign staff) was on a conference call with Barack Obama last week, and he told us that we who work on this campaign "will stand among the giants of history."
He also said, "Don't screw this up."
McCain's new strategy is to steal Pennsylvania. It's the only state that is currently blue that he's actively and aggressively trying to flip. You win Pennsylvania by winning the Philadelphia suburbs. The Philadelphia suburbs are Delaware and Montgomery Counties, which, by the way, are particularly susceptible to wedge politics and scare/smear tactics. McCain phone calls are currently out numbering Obama phone calls in this county. He's pulled his resources out of Wisconsin and Maine, and sent them to Delaware County. He's pulling out of Colorado, Iowa and New Mexico. Guess where that money's going? Guess where that staff is going? The only way to fight it is in the field, which means volunteers like you and me working our butts off to talk to as many people as possible on the phone and at their doors, from morning till night.
It's quite possible that McCain will be able to steal Pennsylvania. I know that the polls say Obama is ahead here, but on the ground, it's tightening up, and in this county, we're neck and neck, or even a little behind.
Our man is off the campaign trail now for a few days, and is probably not going to make it back to PA. So, it's up to us to defend the fort. There is a little intrepid band of staff and volunteers who are trying their darndest to fight back against the attacks, but we're just not going to be able to do it with the amount people we've got now, no matter how hard we work.
There are two things that we're battling. First, all the money and resources that McCain is throwing here (look up how many times he and Sarah Palin have visited the state in the last two weeks and you'll see why we're sounding the alarm), which mostly manifest in dirty, smear-y, awful ads, mailers and robo-calls. The second is fatigue and complacency among Obama voters and volunteers. Lots of people think it's in the bag. They think it doesn't matter if they volunteer -- or vote -- enough other people will pick up the slack and make it happen.
I'm here to tell you the truth -- no one is picking up the slack. No one is coming out in great numbers, because everyone thinks someone else is doing it.
Last, but not least, there are several neighborhoods in Delaware County that are targets for voter suppression and intimidation. People are actively trying to prevent people from voting in all sorts of ways -- by moving the polling place from the student center on the college campus to an off campus location that can only be reached by car. Or telling people that they need a driver's license to vote. Or telling people that if they have any parking tickets, they'll be arrested when they come to the polls. Or telling people that if they are registered Republicans, they cannot vote for a Democrat. It's up to us to correct these things, and make sure that all the people we've worked so hard to register, and who really want to vote for Barack, actually can and do.
We can win if we get everyone to the polls. We will lose if we don't. We need more people to help than we have now. That's it. The Republicans are GREAT at making sure their voters get to the polls. The Democrats, historically, are not so good. We have a great plan for how to do it. But it requires more people than we have right now.
Here’s a horror story for you. Someone I work with here in PA was working on the primary in New Hampshire. Leading up to primary day, all of his volunteers were sure that someone else would show up, and that victory was certain. On primary day, at one of his precincts, NO VOLUNTEERS SHOWED UP. None. Zero. Everyone thought someone else would be there – that it wasn’t that important. And Obama lost that precinct by seven votes. Seven! And he lost the primary in that state.
So, come here. Don't delay. Tell everyone you know. We cannot have come this far to fall short now. And you know what? It's in your hands. So don't let it happen.
If you want to come here, I can help you make it happen. I can find a way for you to get here, and a place for you to stay, and we will give you food to eat. I'll be honest -- it's easiest to come here with a car. But, there are Zip cars to be rented in Philadelphia, and it's cheaper to rent them here than in New York. Come with a group, and rent a car together. Or, come by bus and rent a car in Philly, where it's cheaper. If a car is impossible, come here by bus anyway. Or catch a ride with any of the NY for Obama groups that organize carpools every day. (http://www.nyobama.com/events/nyc/)
We can house you with a volunteer, or I can point you towards a number of hotels that are offering discounts to the Democratic Campaign. Or, you can just come for the day.
If you support this candidate, and you want him to win, you need to do more than vote. You need to volunteer. Or it's not going to happen. It's time for you to think real hard, and ask yourself if there's anything that you can do that you're not doing. If the answer is yes, I can make it so that you do not wake up on November 5th and want to punch yourself in the face, again, and again, and again.
There's only about 10 days left before an election that could actually change the world. I need your help.
Here's the deal. I promise, if you come here, you never have to come and see me in a crappy play ever again. You can beg off, no questions asked. Also, you are excused from any and all birthday parties that I throw for myself, and you are exempt from helping me move. If you come here and volunteer for the weekend, you can claim an "Obama Pass" on all of these things. Forever.
Please help.
215. 834.7959
P.S. Ultimately, I don't care if you come to Delaware County, specifically. If it's easier for you to get to Philadelphia and turn out the vote there, do it. If it's easier for you to go to another swing state, like Virginia, or North Carolina, or Missouri, or Nevada, or Ohio, do it. But, for the love of God, please, please, I'm begging you on my knees, do not stay home. Get out there, and get people to the polls. It's not hyperbole to say that we will lose if you don't.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How a 13 Point Lead Can Disappear.
Read this, please.
#1. It's an accurate portrait of what's happening here in PA -- volunteers are not coming out in the numbers that they once were, because they think it's all in the bag.
#2. McCain's new strategy is to win back PA, so he's spending lots of time and money on advertising and voter contact here.
#3. They describe a conference call that Barack Obama held with the staff. I was on that call!
#1. It's an accurate portrait of what's happening here in PA -- volunteers are not coming out in the numbers that they once were, because they think it's all in the bag.
#2. McCain's new strategy is to win back PA, so he's spending lots of time and money on advertising and voter contact here.
#3. They describe a conference call that Barack Obama held with the staff. I was on that call!
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Cry in the Dark.
"Why should I come to Delaware County, Pennsylvania?"
1. The foliage is beautiful, and will be peaking in the next few weeks.
2. Phillies in the series = Delaware County goes insane. Don’t you want to be here for that?
3. There is almost always cake in this office.
4. The sandwiches in DelCo are particularly delicious.
5. You get to hang out with me. And, as you all know, I am very, very fun.
“But, Elizabeth, we’re so far ahead in the polls! You don’t need my help.”
Shut your mouth! That’s how we lose!
Just this morning, PA was flooded with really nasty, dirty, awful robo-calls from the McCain campaign. Terrrible, bad stuff. They're fighting us really hard here. It's the front lines. They want this state real bad, and they think they can win it.
There are 19 days left before the election. That’s roughly the same amount of time that was between the Iowa Caucus, which we won, and the New Hampshire Primary, which we thought we would win, but we lost.
Maybe because we were so sure we would win.
“But, Elizabeth, I can’t afford to come to Pennsylvania.”
You can get a ride, for free, with any number of groups that come from New York and other places by checking out my.barackobama.com. Or, you can buy a bus ticket to Philadelphia for $20. If you want to stay overnight, we can put you up with a volunteer, and there is always food here to eat.
If you let me know, I can help you figure out how to get here.
If there is absolutely no way you can possibly make it happen, ever, ever in a million years, than please make some phone calls from home. Go to the website, and call some people in Ohio and tell them to early vote.
Otherwise, call me, and I’ll help you get make it happen.
“But, Elizabeth, there must be plenty of volunteers IN Pennsylvania.”
Yes. There are. I see them every day. Some of them have been volunteering since the primaries.
First of all, they have been working tirelessly and need some back-up. Second of all, we just need more people than there are in Pennsylvania. And we need those people to come from New York, and Delaware, and New Jersey, and other places.
It’s part of the plan for how we win. We have to supplement the in-state volunteers with a certain number of out of state volunteers. And I am making hundreds of phone calls every day to get people to come here. You can make my life a lot easier, oh, and also, win the election for us, if you email me and tell me that you want to come here. eaudley@voteforchangepa.com
“But, Elizabeth, I'm very busy and I just don’t have the time.”
You should make the time.
And here’s why.
This is it, you guys. This is the last chance you have to be a part of this incredible moment in history. And if you don’t participate, you will be sorry.
If you come to Pennsylvania, or any other swing state, you will be so glad that you did. You will be able to look back, and know that you were a part of something that changed America, and the world, and history. And that’s not hyperbole. You will feel good, and important, and proud of yourself and your country.
If you don’t help, you are going to be sad on November 5th. You are going to wish that you had, no matter which way it goes. You are either going to feel incredibly terrible and guilty that there was more you could have done, but you didn’t, or you are going to feel very, very sad that you had the opportunity to be a part of something historic and amazing, and you chose not to.
Now listen. I spend all day chasing people down, and convincing people to volunteer. And everyone who does is glad they did. But it is awfully tiring to call, and call, and call, and beg and plead all day long.
So help me out. Please.
This is it. Come here. Bring friends. Tell everyone you know. Your country needs you.
1. The foliage is beautiful, and will be peaking in the next few weeks.
2. Phillies in the series = Delaware County goes insane. Don’t you want to be here for that?
3. There is almost always cake in this office.
4. The sandwiches in DelCo are particularly delicious.
5. You get to hang out with me. And, as you all know, I am very, very fun.
“But, Elizabeth, we’re so far ahead in the polls! You don’t need my help.”
Shut your mouth! That’s how we lose!
Just this morning, PA was flooded with really nasty, dirty, awful robo-calls from the McCain campaign. Terrrible, bad stuff. They're fighting us really hard here. It's the front lines. They want this state real bad, and they think they can win it.
There are 19 days left before the election. That’s roughly the same amount of time that was between the Iowa Caucus, which we won, and the New Hampshire Primary, which we thought we would win, but we lost.
Maybe because we were so sure we would win.
“But, Elizabeth, I can’t afford to come to Pennsylvania.”
You can get a ride, for free, with any number of groups that come from New York and other places by checking out my.barackobama.com. Or, you can buy a bus ticket to Philadelphia for $20. If you want to stay overnight, we can put you up with a volunteer, and there is always food here to eat.
If you let me know, I can help you figure out how to get here.
If there is absolutely no way you can possibly make it happen, ever, ever in a million years, than please make some phone calls from home. Go to the website, and call some people in Ohio and tell them to early vote.
Otherwise, call me, and I’ll help you get make it happen.
“But, Elizabeth, there must be plenty of volunteers IN Pennsylvania.”
Yes. There are. I see them every day. Some of them have been volunteering since the primaries.
First of all, they have been working tirelessly and need some back-up. Second of all, we just need more people than there are in Pennsylvania. And we need those people to come from New York, and Delaware, and New Jersey, and other places.
It’s part of the plan for how we win. We have to supplement the in-state volunteers with a certain number of out of state volunteers. And I am making hundreds of phone calls every day to get people to come here. You can make my life a lot easier, oh, and also, win the election for us, if you email me and tell me that you want to come here. eaudley@voteforchangepa.com
“But, Elizabeth, I'm very busy and I just don’t have the time.”
You should make the time.
And here’s why.
This is it, you guys. This is the last chance you have to be a part of this incredible moment in history. And if you don’t participate, you will be sorry.
If you come to Pennsylvania, or any other swing state, you will be so glad that you did. You will be able to look back, and know that you were a part of something that changed America, and the world, and history. And that’s not hyperbole. You will feel good, and important, and proud of yourself and your country.
If you don’t help, you are going to be sad on November 5th. You are going to wish that you had, no matter which way it goes. You are either going to feel incredibly terrible and guilty that there was more you could have done, but you didn’t, or you are going to feel very, very sad that you had the opportunity to be a part of something historic and amazing, and you chose not to.
Now listen. I spend all day chasing people down, and convincing people to volunteer. And everyone who does is glad they did. But it is awfully tiring to call, and call, and call, and beg and plead all day long.
So help me out. Please.
This is it. Come here. Bring friends. Tell everyone you know. Your country needs you.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Things I Hate
People who have signed up to volunteer every single weekend, but never show up, and never return a single phone call to say that they're not coming.
People who tell me they can't come volunteer because they have "a thing" that weekend, or because "Pennsylvania's already locked up" or because they can't miss their favorite tv shows.
Really long, stupid, un-funny answering machine greetings.
Things I Love
The little boy who came in today with his mom, because all he wanted for his 7th birthday was an Obama lawn sign.
The pictures of the crowds in West Philadelphia from the rallies this weekend.
The strangers who come to the office and drop off dinner for the staff at 6pm.
People who have signed up to volunteer every single weekend, but never show up, and never return a single phone call to say that they're not coming.
People who tell me they can't come volunteer because they have "a thing" that weekend, or because "Pennsylvania's already locked up" or because they can't miss their favorite tv shows.
Really long, stupid, un-funny answering machine greetings.
Things I Love
The little boy who came in today with his mom, because all he wanted for his 7th birthday was an Obama lawn sign.
The pictures of the crowds in West Philadelphia from the rallies this weekend.
The strangers who come to the office and drop off dinner for the staff at 6pm.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Please Come to Pennsylvania!
Hey you guys.
I have a new job here at the Obama campaign. I'm the Out of State Volunteer Coordinator for this office -- which funnels volunteers from out of state throughout Delaware County, PA.
Most of the volunteers come through the website, but I'm looking for more, and I know that my friends and associates are the smartest, most articulate, hardest working and passionate people there are, so here's the official pitch:
Come to Pennsylvania!
Come to Pennsylvania!
Come to Pennsylvania!
John McCain pulled out of Michigan, and all those resources are going to....Pennsylvania! He really wants to win the state and he's fighting real dirty here.
It's very easy to get to the Media field office on public transportation.
I can find a place for you to stay, if you want to stay overnight.
It's very fun and exciting to work here, and you can be a part of something historic. It will make you feel really, really good.
If you can come down for election day, or the weekend before election day, or the week before election day, that's when we really need some serious help! We've registered over 1 million new voters in PA, and want to make sure they all go to the polls.
If you can come, think you might come, or want more information, send me an email at: eaudley@voteforchangepa.com
(I am official. How do you like me now?)
I have a new job here at the Obama campaign. I'm the Out of State Volunteer Coordinator for this office -- which funnels volunteers from out of state throughout Delaware County, PA.
Most of the volunteers come through the website, but I'm looking for more, and I know that my friends and associates are the smartest, most articulate, hardest working and passionate people there are, so here's the official pitch:
Come to Pennsylvania!
Come to Pennsylvania!
Come to Pennsylvania!
John McCain pulled out of Michigan, and all those resources are going to....Pennsylvania! He really wants to win the state and he's fighting real dirty here.
It's very easy to get to the Media field office on public transportation.
I can find a place for you to stay, if you want to stay overnight.
It's very fun and exciting to work here, and you can be a part of something historic. It will make you feel really, really good.
If you can come down for election day, or the weekend before election day, or the week before election day, that's when we really need some serious help! We've registered over 1 million new voters in PA, and want to make sure they all go to the polls.
If you can come, think you might come, or want more information, send me an email at: eaudley@voteforchangepa.com
(I am official. How do you like me now?)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Some Things I've Learned.
1. People are awesome.
There were about 200 people who showed up this weekend to knock on doors and make phone calls. Lots and lots of people came from out of state, ready to work. Lots of people have been coming to do this for weeks and weeks, and they keep coming back. It's very inspiring. We've had a busy phone bank this whole week, and registered hundreds of new voters.
2. People are freaks.
No one attracts weirdos like the Democratic Party. Seriously. Crazy people come to the office all day long. Oh, America.
3. People love lawn signs.
We can't keep them in stock. When we don't have them, people yell at us. When we do have them, people yell at us for suggesting a donation. There are lawn sign wars -- they get stolen and vandalized, and every third question on the phone or at the front desk has to do with lawn signs. They are crazy about lawn signs. Crazy.
There were about 200 people who showed up this weekend to knock on doors and make phone calls. Lots and lots of people came from out of state, ready to work. Lots of people have been coming to do this for weeks and weeks, and they keep coming back. It's very inspiring. We've had a busy phone bank this whole week, and registered hundreds of new voters.
2. People are freaks.
No one attracts weirdos like the Democratic Party. Seriously. Crazy people come to the office all day long. Oh, America.
3. People love lawn signs.
We can't keep them in stock. When we don't have them, people yell at us. When we do have them, people yell at us for suggesting a donation. There are lawn sign wars -- they get stolen and vandalized, and every third question on the phone or at the front desk has to do with lawn signs. They are crazy about lawn signs. Crazy.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It's My First Day.
It was like the first day of school today. The sensation was heightened by the fact that I woke up in the bedroom where I had woken up on every single "first day of school" from K-12. And you know I'd laid my clothes out the night before and then woke up before my alarm went off, and made sure my hair was extra shiny and bouncy before I left.
The Obama Headquarters in Media, PA is located in an old car dealership, so there is plenty of parking, and also the wall that faces the street is one giant window, which is nice for the natural light. You can be on the phone, and be looking out the window. And people can pass by, and see the busy, happy campaign headquarters. Well done, all.

Someone did come in today and said, "It's had to see you guys from the street. You should put a sign or a flag or something outside." Um, ok. We'll look into that.
The people are great, and very, very laid back. No one really follows the news or the polls, or engages in much political talk. They just go in and do their jobs, which is, right now, calling people, and knocking on people's doors, and recruiting volunteers. Also, everyone is very polite, very organized, and don't seem at all stressed out - just a little tired. They're very, very good at their jobs. There are many people from out of state who have been working full time since this summer. Everyone seems happy to have me, and so positive and easy going and zen about it all. I feel very satisfied and productive. It is a good environment to call people from, and to encourage people to come be a part of.
There was a little bit of a surprise today because last night, Bruce Springsteen announced that he was having a rally/concert for Obama in Philadelphia. And if you volunteered for Obama, you could get a "preferred seating" ticket. You could sign up to volunteer and pick up your Springsteen tickets at any of the Philadelphia area field offices -- including, of course, Media, PA. So, you know, that increased the volunteer traffic a little bit today. There was a line out the door when I got in.
Also, a Korean newspaper came to the office today to take pictures and write a story. Keep your eyes open, everyone. There may be pictures of me on the phone in a Korean newspaper.
Am including photos of some of the homemade campaign art that adorns the office. (I like how the "Organize Like a Champion" poster looks like it has a big, bloody handprint in the middle of it.)

And now, to bed. Tomorrow I have to get up early. You know, to hand out Springsteen tickets.
Seriously? Obama = Coolest Ever.
How is this guy not going to win?
The Obama Headquarters in Media, PA is located in an old car dealership, so there is plenty of parking, and also the wall that faces the street is one giant window, which is nice for the natural light. You can be on the phone, and be looking out the window. And people can pass by, and see the busy, happy campaign headquarters. Well done, all.
Someone did come in today and said, "It's had to see you guys from the street. You should put a sign or a flag or something outside." Um, ok. We'll look into that.
The people are great, and very, very laid back. No one really follows the news or the polls, or engages in much political talk. They just go in and do their jobs, which is, right now, calling people, and knocking on people's doors, and recruiting volunteers. Also, everyone is very polite, very organized, and don't seem at all stressed out - just a little tired. They're very, very good at their jobs. There are many people from out of state who have been working full time since this summer. Everyone seems happy to have me, and so positive and easy going and zen about it all. I feel very satisfied and productive. It is a good environment to call people from, and to encourage people to come be a part of.
There was a little bit of a surprise today because last night, Bruce Springsteen announced that he was having a rally/concert for Obama in Philadelphia. And if you volunteered for Obama, you could get a "preferred seating" ticket. You could sign up to volunteer and pick up your Springsteen tickets at any of the Philadelphia area field offices -- including, of course, Media, PA. So, you know, that increased the volunteer traffic a little bit today. There was a line out the door when I got in.
Also, a Korean newspaper came to the office today to take pictures and write a story. Keep your eyes open, everyone. There may be pictures of me on the phone in a Korean newspaper.
Am including photos of some of the homemade campaign art that adorns the office. (I like how the "Organize Like a Champion" poster looks like it has a big, bloody handprint in the middle of it.)
And now, to bed. Tomorrow I have to get up early. You know, to hand out Springsteen tickets.
Seriously? Obama = Coolest Ever.
How is this guy not going to win?
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