Monday, October 13, 2008


Things I Hate
People who have signed up to volunteer every single weekend, but never show up, and never return a single phone call to say that they're not coming.

People who tell me they can't come volunteer because they have "a thing" that weekend, or because "Pennsylvania's already locked up" or because they can't miss their favorite tv shows.

Really long, stupid, un-funny answering machine greetings.

Things I Love
The little boy who came in today with his mom, because all he wanted for his 7th birthday was an Obama lawn sign.

The pictures of the crowds in West Philadelphia from the rallies this weekend.

The strangers who come to the office and drop off dinner for the staff at 6pm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I sent you a live volunteer this saturday! i hope they show up. let me know if you need pizza or hoagies or something. love kat