Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some Things I've Learned.

1. People are awesome.

There were about 200 people who showed up this weekend to knock on doors and make phone calls. Lots and lots of people came from out of state, ready to work. Lots of people have been coming to do this for weeks and weeks, and they keep coming back. It's very inspiring. We've had a busy phone bank this whole week, and registered hundreds of new voters.

2. People are freaks.

No one attracts weirdos like the Democratic Party. Seriously. Crazy people come to the office all day long. Oh, America.

3. People love lawn signs.
We can't keep them in stock. When we don't have them, people yell at us. When we do have them, people yell at us for suggesting a donation. There are lawn sign wars -- they get stolen and vandalized, and every third question on the phone or at the front desk has to do with lawn signs. They are crazy about lawn signs. Crazy.

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