Sunday, September 14, 2008

Got Change for Change?

Listen up, party people.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the donations so far. I am, frankly, both shocked and honored when I come home every day to find envelopes from people I know, and people I don't know, that have a few crumpled dollar bills in them. So far, I have collected almost $250.


But, here's the thing. I want to remind you that what I am doing is totally volunteer. And I am happily working a second job so I can pay my rent and cell phone bill while I am gone. BUT I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR GAS!

Now. My car gets excellent mileage, and that is a fact. Like, 40 miles to the gallon. There is a lot of driving around and door to door canvassing to be done, and I think that the fact that I have my own car is one of the main reasons the Obama campaign wanted me so bad. (P.S. This is ok with me. Like the unpopular high school girl with a pool, once they get to know me a little, they will start to like me for ME. Man alive, do I have a crush on Obama.)

It costs $30 - $40 to fill up my car - by my calculations, I'm going to have to fill it up at LEAST twice a week, for 5 weeks. I think I'm going to spend between $400 - 500 on gas.

So, if you're following the math, one dollar will let me drive for about 10 miles. 10 miles! For just one dollar!

Now, many of you have given, and given generously, and I am so grateful and astonished. But some of you have not, and I know you have a dollar, because many (most) of you have bought me a drink at the bar in the past. So.

It has been brought to my attention that asking you to put a dollar in an envelope and put a stamp on it is asking you to pay 42 cents to give me a dollar, and that is ridiculous. So, I have made a PayPal account to make it easier, and free, for you.

Follow this link:

It will lead you to my PayPal account. You can use a credit card, a debit card, or your PayPal account.

Please, can I have a dollar? Or two? If you can find it in your heart to give me five, we just might win this thing.


graham's mom said...

Oh, thank goodness. Because I have honestly been walking around for DAYS going "crap, I need to get some money out of the ATM, am I even going BY one of my ATMs today, I really need to send that money to Liz, jesus I never carry cash anymore and once I get $20 out I'll have to break it and god knows I don't need any more gum or a freaking KitKat or something..."

Anyway, you get the picture. So, Paypal = perfect. Oh! And in your post editor, if you highlight the link and copy it and then click on the little button up at the top that looks like the infinity symbol and then paste it in that little box? Then it becomes an active link and peeps can just click and give! (Rather than copy and paste.)

Love! $10 on the way to you and your gas tank. Obama '08!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you! For the tip, and for the cash, mama-blog.